Saturday, July 25, 2009

A Funny Thing...

Life is weird. Full of mysteries. They say a man is never lost, he just doesn't know where he's headed yet. But I feel lost. I know what I want, yet, I can't seem to get any closer to it. I try and try but no luck. I don't want to be stuck here till I grow old. Just the thought of it is scary. We have to go against those who doubt us, show them what we're made of. Stick it to the man and show him he was wrong. That we really could do it and are successful at it. But until that point is reached, well, life is miserable. Find that motivation, that drive required to complete your goal. Always fight back. Never give up. Follow that dream. Your life will be complete. You'll feel satisfied with the success you've made for yourself. In the end, all the hardships will pay off.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


My life sorta seems to be en route to what i want it to be like...AWESOME!!!!